City of Miami, Florida
November 12, 1954
One, Inc.
232 South Hill Street
Los Angeles 12, California
Attn: Mr. Marvin Cutler, Secretary Bureau of Public Information
In reply to your letter of November 9th, this is to advise that I have never advocated harassing homosexuals or other deviates, I have always insisted that the lowest form of human being is the individual who while operating a public business violates many laws and caters to homosexuals for the purpose of taking advantage of other human beings.
Miami is not required to provide a haven for the homosexuals and deviates of the nation and therefore, if you will keep informing the nation of this fact, I will be much obliged,
Yours very truly,
late brow впос
Abe Aronovitz Mayor
The editors of ONE feel that the above statement by the Mayor of Miami is slightly at odds with statements attributed to him by the MIAMI DAILY NEWS: AUG. 26: "Mayor Abe Aronovitz declared this afternoon he was sick of Police Chief Walter Headley's 'tender treatment' of perverts... Aronovitz said he will give Evans just one week from the time he gets back from vacation to clean out certain pervert nests in Miami proper . . . I firmly believe it is a disgrace to have a place on Biscayne Boulevard whose business caters to the distorted mind which enjoys seeing a bunch of fairies perform where the sky seems the limit. . .
AUG. 31: "Aronovitz said he would introduce a resolution for the dismissal of Evans if the city manager failed at once
to order Headley to harrass and drive out the sex deviates
The August 26th story contained a further quote from the mayor about not wishing to harrass anyone who is sick of mind, in rather direct contradiction to the main part of the statement.
Editorially, we might also point out to the Mayor of Miami that it is quite possible that some of the homosexuals in Miami might have been born there.
Further, the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled in the case of a San Francisco bar that the police cannot legally close a bar just because its patrons are homosexual, but can act only against specific illegal acts committed on the premises.